Co-founder of Flux
Jen is a passionate software engineer working to help meet the world’s demand for healthy, sustainable buildings. Her path to becoming a software engineer was a winding one that took her through the world of experimental music, professional audio, and eventually to a research lab at Google. At Flux, Jen wants to empower people to solve the world’s most pressing problems related to urban population growth and climate change, and create beautiful designs in the process. She received her BA from Wellesley College and her MA/MST from Stanford University.
Featured in
The Rise of Factory-built Housing: Episode 3
If a trillion dollar market opportunity exists, you can bet the people at Google are thinking about it. Within X, Google’s most secretive lab, they’ve been working on solving the problem of how to make building construction more efficient in order to deal with the world’s severe and worsening urban housing shortage. By the year 2050, the global population is expected to grow by 2.2 billion people, and 90% of that growth is expected to take place in cities that are in dire need of new housing. In China, one company has figured out how to deal with this challenge by prefabricating components for skyscrapers inside of a factory.
Videos courtesy of Flux