Michael Logue

Founder & CEO of Wallabe

Michael F.D. Logue, AIA is a licensed architect in the state of California, holding a Masters of Architecture from Columbia University, NY and Bachelors of Science in Design from the University of Cincinnati’s Interior Architecture program. Before establishing Logue Studio Design in 2001, Logue worked with notable architects and designers, such as, Stanley Tigerman of Tigerman McCurry Architects in Chicago, IL, the late Michael Kalil of the Kalil Studio in New York, and Studios Architecture in San Francisco among others. Established in 2001, Logue Studio Design is an award-winning, multidisciplinary San Francisco architecture and design firm that specializes in contemporary residential, commercial, and product design.

Wallabe replaces conventional interior wall construction with smart walls that become an ecosystem to limitless products, services and possibilities moving forward through the life of a building. For builders or developers doing new construction or general contractors doing remodels, Wallabe is a better wall - smart, modular, faster to install, pre-wired, pre-inspected, eco-friendly - that can evolve with homes and the needs of homeowners so they can change configurations, add components or easily remodel, without a “remodel.�

(415) 278-9900

Images courtesy of Wallabe

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