Zhang Yue

Chairman of Broad Group

Zhang Yue is currently the Chairman of Broad Group. One after the other he has obtained over 200 patents for his inventions: in 1989 the Non-Pressurized Boiler, in 1992 the Direct Fire Chiller (non-electric air conditioning), in 1999 the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System, in 2005 the Electrostatic Dust Cleaning Indoor Air Purifier, and in 2009 the Factory Built Sustainable Building. Each of his inventions has transformed its respective industry, making Broad a technology leader in many fields. Zhang Yue was the Vice Chair of the United Nations Environment Programme’s Sustainable Buildings & Climate Initiative (SBCI). After many years of painstaking research on energy efficient building technologies, in 2009 he drafted for UNEP the Building Energy Efficiency Guidelines, which proposed a set of measurable, reportable and verifiable indicators and measurements for a building energy efficiency standard.

Facing the issue of global warming, Zhang Yue’s dream is that his non-electric air conditioning can replace its electric counterpart, as non electric air conditioning is more than twice as energy efficient as electric air conditioning. But his greater dream is that through promoting sustainable buildings, he can substantially increase the energy efficiency of buildings themselves. The energy efficiency level of Broad Group’s buildings is 5 times greater than that of conventional buildings. He knows that improving the energy efficiency of buildings will affect his air conditioning business, but Zhang Yue believes that the future of the planet is always more important than that of his business.

+86 731 84086688

The Rise of Factory-built Housing: Episode 3

If a trillion dollar market opportunity exists, you can bet the people at Google are thinking about it. Within X, Google’s most secretive lab, they’ve been working on solving the problem of how to make building construction more efficient in order to deal with the world’s severe and worsening urban housing shortage. By the year 2050, the global population is expected to grow by 2.2 billion people, and 90% of that growth is expected to take place in cities that are in dire need of new housing. In China, one company has figured out how to deal with this challenge by prefabricating components for skyscrapers inside of a factory.

Images & video courtesy of Broad Group

Predicting Our Future